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Image of Toby and Lucie smiling in front of a sunset

A Positive Legacy for Lucie

At age 29, Toby is turning the most difficult time into a positive legacy, inspired by his partner, Lucie, who passed away from cancer at age 28. He is embarking on his third Tour de Luce, a challenging team cycle he set up to fundraise for Guy’s Cancer Charity.

Life is short and you don’t know what’s next – so don’t think about it, just go and do it.

Toby Lock

Toby and Lucie had their first date on Valentine’s Day in 2020 – a day that Lucie had always hated. Despite that, they clicked and were soon in a relationship. They both loved rugby and had a shared sense of humour, which was lucky as Lucie would often tease Toby about his team’s poor performance.

In February 2022, two years after Lucie and Toby first met, Lucie found a lump in her breast. Shortly after, she was diagnosed with breast cancer at just 27 years old. Over the next six months, Lucie received personalised care at Guy’s Cancer Centre, undergoing chemotherapy, a double mastectomy and radiotherapy.

“I was in shock. But Lucie was very practical – straight away she wanted to know the next steps. Throughout her treatment, she remained so positive,” Toby recalls.

Following an amazing post-treatment trip to Borneo and Singapore, Lucie started to get headaches. Unfortunately, Lucie’s cancer had spread and, following a series of tests, she was diagnosed with brain cancer. Lucie had specialist surgery to remove the tumour on the back of her brain, and radiotherapy, but her health continued to deteriorate.

Toby stayed by Lucie’s side throughout her treatment, only popping home to get her engagement ring. The couple got engaged before Lucie sadly passed away at age 28.

“Nothing made sense at first, and I miss her every day. A year on, I’m learning to live in a different way. Colour is coming back into my life. I want to do the things we’d planned together for Lucie… I’ve got to be positive because that’s how Lucie was,” said Toby.

The Tour de Luce

In celebration of Lucie’s life, this is the third year running that Toby is organising the Tour de Luce, a challenging team cycle he set up to fundraise for Guy’s Cancer Charity. In the first two years, Toby and a group of friends cycled staggering distances – covering 200km in one day in 2022 and a massive 320km over two days in 2023.

This year’s event is a little different, bringing together Lucie’s friends and family for an inclusive walking and cycling challenge in Richmond Park. Toby is looking forward to swapping stories and doing something positive in Lucie’s memory, all while raising vital funds for Guy’s Cancer.

For Toby, pushing his body to the limit with a physical challenge has helped him to move forwards.

“Lucie didn’t want to be inspiring, but she was – she has helped me to push through when things were hard. To anyone thinking about taking on a similar challenge, I’d say that life is short, and you don’t know what’s next. So just go and do it. The fear of how hard something might be is nowhere near the positivity you’ll feel afterwards,” said Toby.

Going through cancer is meant to be the worst experience ever. But Guy’s Cancer made things easier at every step… We spent so much time there together, so I’ve found it helpful to stay connected to Guy’s Cancer. They kept us positive.

Toby Lock
Image of Toby, Lucie and friends cycling the Tour de Luce

We couldn’t do what we do without our generous supporters.

Through Toby’s fantastic fundraising efforts, Guy’s Cancer can continue to create change for every cancer patient, today and tomorrow.

Toby is taking on Tour de Luce 2024 on 1st June 2024 and everyone is welcome.