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Gary sat on a wooden bench, wearing a navy t-shirt that reads

Robotic surgery saved Gary's life

Gary said he 'always knew' he'd get cancer as his family history made it much more likely. Thanks to the innovative robotic surgery used to remove his tumour at Guy's Cancer, Gary is now cancer-free and doing well.

Being told you have cancer is one of the most daunting things you can hear. Gary has a family history of cancer, so he knew he was at a higher risk. ‘Every one of my closest relatives has had cancer, bar one, so I always knew I was going to get it,’ he says.​

Gary was treated for prostate cancer. He needed radical prostatectomy surgery to help remove the tumour. Despite feeling scared, the team at Guy’s Cancer helped bring light to the darkest of days. His nurse was able to make him laugh by telling him stories of all the “hilarious” ways he’d seen patients wrongly put on ‘paper’ pants and compression socks.

Before my surgery I was really scared and in tears, but my nurse was the best in the world. He made me laugh so much and just took all the worry away.

Gary captured mid running, wearing a navy t-shirt that reads

"I’m determined to make the most of my second chance"

Gary’s surgeon used innovative robotic-assisted keyhole surgery to treat his prostate cancer, and he was able to remove the tumour without damaging the surrounding tissue, because it enabled smaller incisions and greater precision.

The operation he had was a success and currently Gary is in recovery, supported by his wife and son. He adds: “I won’t lie, it’s tough dealing with everything. The after-effects hit me harder than anything I could’ve imagined. I’m a completely different person after my surgery – I’m having to re-learn how to be happy, but I’m determined to make the most of my second chance.”

I’m so grateful this technology was available to me. It helps cancer patients like me recover quicker and lead longer and fuller lives.

Alison, Gary and their son sat on a grey sofa. Behind them is a windowsill with two small green plants and a metal photo frame on the right.

With your support we can help fund innovative technologies that help patients like Gary.
