Special Purpose Fund FAQs
Special Purpose Funds are created when funds are donated to us for specific purposes within our charitable objectives, and therefore have a more restricted application. For example, we may receive funds from donors who wish to honour the care of a loved one on a ward or would like to support a particular type of research. The funds rely solely on the generous donations of patients, staff and members of the public.
Funds directly benefit both patient experience and staff welfare. The funds support investment into education, research, equipment and patient care across many different wards, departments and clinics within Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals as well as the Evelina London Children’s Hospital.
If you are planning a fundraising event for the benefit of one of our funds, please contact the fundraising team.
Generally, the day-to-day management of the funds is overseen by a fundholder who is usually a senior member of staff within the relevant department or directorate. The fundholder is responsible for ensuring that money received via the fund provides the best outcomes and maximum benefit for both patients and staff. Special purpose funds can also be utilised by the relevant funding committee if there is a grant application aligned with the restrictions of an SPF.
In the first instance please contact us to confirm your eligibility and we will direct you to the appropriate fundholder.
You can contact our team via email or by telephone on 020 7089 4572.
For Fundholders and Guy's & St Thomas' staff
Statements are sent annually to fundholders and you can request a statement at any time by email.
Please contact us for a copy of the latest report forms, or to request a link to our online expense claim form.
We will ask you to prepare a Spending Plan annually, where you will outline how you intend to spend your special purpose funds in the year. In the plan, which is an online form, you can also tell us about your most recent activities and achievements.
We ask our fundholders to spend a minimum of 25% of the balance of the fund each year, to ensure that donated funds are being used for their intended purpose. We’re always happy to have a chat with you about how you could use your SPF, and to share stories from other fundholders. It is possible to keep funds in reserve and allocated for future expenditure, in which case you can discuss this with us.
Only the authorised fundholders can manage the fund and authorise expenditure from it. There should always be at least one deputy fundholder who can administer the fund in your absence. For more information please contact us.
We operate around 200 different funds across the Trust, so it is likely that a fund exists with a charitable purpose which covers your department or service.
A new fund is only opened when no other fund exists with a similar purpose, and there is sufficient income anticipated to justify opening a new fund.
Please contact us for more information.
There are many ways in which you can purchase items using donations in your special purpose funds.
- Small, non-medical items can be purchased directly by staff. An online claim can then be submitted to us for reimbursement, which is usually paid into the claimant’s bank account within two weeks of receipt.
- Alternatively, we can pay suppliers directly on provision of an invoice. Although it is advisable that all orders are made via procurement at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust or King’s College London
- Orders via procurement: We advise that all items are purchased via procurement at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust or King’s College London whenever possible. All medical items must be purchased via this route. These expenses are then recharged to us.
Cash donations: Any cash donations should be delivered in person to the Cashiers office (ground floor of Tower Wing at Guy’s Hospital, and ground floor of North Wing at St Thomas’ Hospital) as soon as possible, and they must be accompanied by a donation form stating the fund number. Please contact the Fundraising team if you require more donation forms.
Donations by cheque: Cheques must be made payable to ‘Guy’s Cancer Charity’ and sent to the fundraising team:
Guy’s Cancer Charity fundraising team, Virginia Woolf Building, 22 Kingsway, 2nd Floor, London WC2B 6LE
Cheques should be accompanied by a donation form or, where not possible, a note stating the fund number and intention of the donor is required.
Legacies and bequests
Bequests are legally binding documents and serious problems could arise if their wording is not clear. Any member of staff approached by a patient for advice about their will must consult the fundraising team to ensure the donor’s wishes are clear and achievable.
Any legacy notification received directly by Guy’s and St Thomas’ departments should be forwarded to the Legacies Officer in the fundraising team at:
Fundraising and Supporter Development
James Clerk Maxwell Building
57 Waterloo Road