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Image of Rachel holding her son

Help create more moments of progress


Give a gift today

By donating you’ll be helping the dedicated team at Guy’s Cancer continue to keep pushing the boundaries in personalised patient care and carrying out pioneering research for people, and improve their recovery.

Everyone experiences cancer differently, and the committed team at Guy’s Cancer tailor their services for every individual, making sure the treatment and care people receive is as unique as they are.

We’re not just Guy’s Cancer Charity. We’re Naema’s, Rachel’s, Jeff’s, Anju’s, and your cancer charity. Will you support us today?

We’re not just looking for a silver bullet that will cure cancer, but also to make the quality of life and experience of cancer treatment better.

James, who leads clinical trials at Guy's Cancer

By donating today you'll be...

Nurse at Guy's Cancer

Supporting our staff

Support the people behind every moment of progress at Guy’s Cancer by:

  • Helping provide peaceful spaces for all staff to maintain their health and wellbeing  so the they can have moments of calm after a difficult shift.
  • Backing the team’s innovative ideas to explore new ways to advance treatments, and deliver more tailored personalised care.

Patient receiving treatment at Guy's Cancer Centre

Supporting our patients

Support our patients the very latest personalised care, however long it takes by:

  • Helping to make advances in diagnosis to explore new treatments so that patients can have the best possible quality of life.
  • Fuelling innovation by helping to invest in specialist equipment, to enable surgeons to perform more targeted operations and reduce recovery times.

Will you show your support for Guy's Cancer today?

Guy’s Cancer Charity was fundamental in us starting robotics. They helped buy a robot back in 2004 when we had the first active robotics programme in the UK.

Ben, consultant urological surgeon and clinical robotics lead at Guy's Cancer

Support Guy’s Cancer Charity today and help advance cancer care

Rachel Ted Naema Rex Anju Guy Rachel Ted Naema Rex Anju Guy
Cancer Charity